Discover VIP Rewards!

Not a VIP Rewards member yet? Join today and start earning points as you purchase, to spend as you shop!

How it works


Create an account

Become a member to receive rewards!


Earn points

Earn points as you shop!


Redeem points

Exchange points for discounts!

Ways to earn points

Create an account

1,000 Points

Complete an order

Earn 100 points for every 1 GBP

Subscribe to newsletter

1,000 Points

Happy Birthday

100 Points

Follow on Instagram

100 Points

Like on Facebook

100 Points

More about VIP Rewards!

At Love Kate’s, we’re a friendly bunch, and we simply adore our customers. Our VIP family is very special to us, and we love rewarding loyalty and community engagement. So, what better way to show our appreciation than with rewards?

Here’s how it works: Earn points, then spend them!

Simply build up your points and choose from the rewards available. You can opt for free postage on an order, or cash in your points for money to spend on future purchases. You can unlock discounts or even grab a free gift! You can also recommend a friend and earn points for both of you!

The more points you earn, the more you can treat yourself with rewards.